Effortlessly from handwritten to digital.
Combine the freedom of handwritten notes with digital convenience. You scribble to your heart’s content with the Wacom Ballpoint on a paper notebook, under which the technology is hidden. While drawing and writing, the Bamboo Smartpad digitally stores your ideas. Create new layers and pages with the push of a button. The pen has no battery and gets its energy from the tablet. Perfect your creations on your computer, smartphone or iPad and share them effortlessly with others. Typing handwritten notes is a thing of the past: The Bamboo Smartpad even converts handwritten text to digital with the Inkspace Plus app, which always offers new functions for the Bamboo Slate & Folio. Your notes are always within reach in the Wacom Cloud.
Choose your Bamboo Smart pad:
Bamboo Spark
Bamboo Spark, gadget pocket
Bamboo Spark snap-fit iPad Air 2
Bamboo Slate
Bamboo Slate Small
Bamboo Slate Large
Bamboo Folio
Bamboo Folio, small
Bamboo Folio Large
Items included:
- Bamboo Slate, large (A4) or small (A5)
- Pen, with one extra refill
- Notepad
- Micro USB cable
- Quick start guide